Help Fight Poverty

Food, Clothing & Shelter are the basic requirement of a human being. if a person is unable to fulfill these basic requirements then that person is living in Poverty. In India 29% of population is under below poverty line & this is a major set back in development of a nation.Because development of a nation also depends on the living standard of the people of the country. Poor people cannot get these basic necessities how come they will get health service, education etc.
Help Fight Poverty

Poor people cannot get these basic necessities how come they will get health service, education etc.

Poverty is self a big problem and it also causes some other issues in the society, Like education & health . If person is poor he/she can not get education & health services. There are many people who are still homeless, they have to sleep outside in every weather conditions, they don't have any protection.

They often get food to eat so it doesn't matter hygienic or unhygienic for them.

Modern society is equipped with so many gadgets & hi-tech systems but they are still fighting to survive. Poor people are also the part of our society, so we need to help them so that they should be getting at-least the basic necessities required for the survival.

Causes of Poverty

Understand Poverty

There are many causes of poverty. In some places natural conditions are so that there no farming or other work is possible so poverty will be there.


Poor education also contributes to the poverty. illiterate people will not get access to good job, illiterate people will not get access to the welfare programs run by the government & other organisations. which in return causes poverty.


Population is also an factor in poverty. Per capita income get reduced with increase in population.

Effects of Poverty

Help Us Cure It
  • 1

    People living in poverty can not get good food, clothing & shelter the basic necessities of life.

  • 2

    Poor people can not get good education.

  • 3

    Poor people can not get good health services.

  • 4

    There is lack of nutrition in the children's raised in poverty.

  • 5

    Poverty is a hindrance in a nations development.